Kinesiology / Active Rehab
Kinesiology Services
Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement, performance and function - also known as human kinetics. Kinesiology applies the science of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology and neuroscience to human movement and function. Kinesiology employs evidence based scientific research and assessment to assist in the prevention and rehabilitation of injury, lifestyle diseases and other physiological conditions, along with the enhancement of human performance, in environments such as work and sport. (from BCAK Website)

A Practicing Kinesiologst has completed a minimum of a four-year university kinesiology degree (or equivalent) and must meet the requirements of the BC Association of Kinesiology including:
- meeting an academic standard
- meets the continuing education requirements yearly
- completing a criminal records check
The goal of the program is to facilitate your return to the activities that you enjoyed prior to your injury, including work and play. These sessions may take place in your community, in the gym, the pool, at your home, or in the work place; whichever makes the most sense to help you achieve your goals.
All of our Practicing Kinesiologists are members of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists.
Our Services
You are pre-approved for 12 sessions with a Practicing Kinesiologist within the first 12 weeks from the date of your car accident. No doctor's note is required. WE CHARGE NO USER FEES, your sessions are 100% covered by ICBC. If the accident was more than 12 weeks ago, a doctors note will be required for approval.
You are entitled to accident benefits whether you are at fault or not. We understand that not everyone is a “gym” person, and our goal is not to turn you into one (unless that is your goal). Our main objective is to help you restore function to whatever body area has been injured by improving the range of motion, endurance and strength to that area.
The goal of this is to facilitate your return to the activities that you enjoyed prior to your injury, including work and play. These sessions may take place in your community, in the gym, the pool, at your home, or in the work place; whichever makes the most sense to help you achieve your goals.
All of our Practicing Kinesiologists are members of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists.
In some cases, it is more appropriate to initiate an active program in your own home. This may be recommended in more acute cases when you are transitioning from in-home physiotherapy to a more active program, or if you have difficulty getting to, or accessing a public facility due to physical limitations, or if you are just not physically ready to.
The equipment that is needed is brought into your home, which may include Therabands, a mat, an exercise ball and balance equipment, whichever is recommended. Please wear comfortable clothing that will not restrict your movement.
These active rehabilitation programs typically take place in a Community Recreation Centre close to you, the client. Your sessions will be one on one with one of our highly trained Kinesiologists. However, if you have a gym in your home or building, we can provide your program there as well. This makes our programs easily accessible and also increases the likelihood that you will continue with your exercise program independently, upon completion of treatment.
The overall goal is always to assist you to become independent and safe with your exercise program in a timely manner. We do this by providing you, the client with 1:1, hands on guidance, valuable education and printed material resources to successfully continue independently when ready and able. Please wear comfortable clothing, preferably exercise attire and running shoes and bring a small towel and water.
Reactive Injury Management now offers Personal Training! Your program will take place at your local Community Centre. One of our Kinesiologists will meet with you, discuss your goals and design a specific program to help you reach them. Not only will your Kinesiologist help you with motivation and accountability, they will keep you challenged and engaged.
Why exercise in the water? It allows you to exercise and rehabilitate your body with less jolting and impact than what you experience on land, while restoring functional movement patterns in a resistive medium. Exercising in the water is a great way to challenge the body, while utilizing the beneficial buoyancy properties of the water. The water’s warmth and buoyancy enhance stretching, while the buoyancy allows initiation of resistive exercise at a low level. The water’s viscosity provides resistance throughout a movement pattern in any plane.
These programs take place in a local Recreation Centre that is most convenient to you, the client. Please wear your bathing suit and prepare to get wet!
Cognitive Therapy refers to specific exercises and activities to exercise the brain. The goal of these exercises and activities is to help re-establish the neural pathways that have been interrupted due to injury. Our Kinesiologists have knowledge and experience in the rehabilitation of clients with traumatic brain injuries and concussion. Under the direction and guidance of the Occupational Therapist, the Kinesiologist assists in the implementation of 1:1 cognitive rehabilitation programs, teaching of compensatory strategies and functional retraining such as community re-integration, integration back into the workplace and ADL re-training. Programs are designed specific to the injuries of each client.
Sometimes there are specific physical requirements of a job that need to be met before you are able to return to work. For example, a nurse needs to be able to perform patient transfers, a flight attendant needs to be able to reach overhead, an electrician needs to be able to kneel, a construction worker needs to be able to climb a ladder and a postal worker needs to have the endurance to walk for extended periods while carrying a load. All of these are specific job tasks that are unique to each individual and each profession.
A work conditioning program looks at these job demands and determines the barriers preventing you from returning to work. Exercises are then incorporated into the program to simulate these specific job demands and help address any barriers. This increases likelihood of a successful return to work. Programs vary in terms of frequency and length of time.
Initial: 1 hour including program - $110 + GST
Packages available:
1 Session : $110
4 Sessions: $400
8 Sessions: $760
Pre-payment required – expires one year after purchase (inc. travel time, mileage, and facility drop-in fees)