Registered Massage Therapy (RMT)
Why See a Registered Massage Therapist?
The practice of Massage Therapy is the assessment of soft tissue and joints of the body and the treatment and prevention of dysfunction, injury, pain and physical disorders of the soft tissues and joints by manual and physical methods to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function to relieve pain and promote health.
Massage therapy decreases stress and helps control pain. Perhaps less known is the effectiveness of massage therapy in treating deeper structures of the body such as ligaments, bones and joints, fascia, blood vessels, organs and other soft tissues of the body.
Massage Therapy in BC is a regulated health care profession. All of the RMT’s at Reactive IM are registered with the Association for Registered Massage Therapists in British Columbia.
Massage therapy can provide relief for many common conditions such as:

And many other common conditions related to soft tissue and joint dysfunction – (adapted from the RMTBC website)
Insurance Coverage for British Columbians
Registered Massage Therapy
- 60 Minutes - $130
- 45 Minutes $105
- ICBC Initial - 60 Minutes - $4.00 User Fee
- ICBC Follow-Up - 45 Minutes - $10.50 User Fee
You may submit the User Fee to your Extended Benefits Provider for consideration.
Non-Registered (Student) Massage Therapy (Not eligible for extended benefits or ICBC)
- 60 Minutes - $70
WE DO DIRECT BILLING TO MOST INSURANCE PLANS!! Many British Columbians have extended health benefits through a workplace group insurance plan. Coverage varies, often with an annual ceiling amount. Sometimes a doctors's referral is required for reimbursement of claims. Check with your plan.
British Columbians on premium assistance (low income) can claim part of their visit to a Registered Massage Therapist through their British Columbia Medical Services Plan (MSP). MSP will contribute up to $23 per visit for up to ten (10) total visits to supplementary health care providers per year. Patients are required to supplement the cost of the RMT visit.
At this time we do not accept Worksafe claims for Massage.
You are pre-approved for 12 sessions with a Registered Massage Therapist in the first 12 weeks from the date of your car accident. No doctor's note is required. You are entitled to accident benefits whether you are at fault or not. If your accident was more than 12 weeks ago, a doctors note may be required to initiate treatment. ICBC covers $126 for the Initial Appointment, leaving a USER FEE of $4.00, and $94.50 towards subsequent sessions, leaving a USER FEE of $10.50. You may submit the User Fee to your Extended Benefits Provider for consideration.
Canada’s Veterans are covered for treatment through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Check with your DVA adjudicator regarding registered massage therapy coverage. A medical doctor referral is required.
RCMP have massage therapy coverage. A medical doctor referral is required.